Implement diffusion policy models on specialized task using a Franka Panda Arm.
PythonMachine LearningROS2
Applying A* Algorithm on Real Robot data
PythonArtificial IntelligenceMobile RobotsSearchPath Planning
Coded a fully connected neural net from scratch.
PythonMachine LearningMobile Robots
Tello drone to autonomously traverse an obstacle course.
PythonOpenCVMachine LearningROS2
Python simulation of a pick and place task using a Kuka youBot.
PythonRobot ManipulationMotion PlanningInverse KinematicsPID ControlScrew TheoryCoppeliaSim
Developed and Implemented novel impedance controller on Franka Panda Arm.
ROS2 package to autonomously paint using an Emika Franka Panda arm.
ROSPythonMoveItOpenCVApriltagsRobot ManipulationAutonomy
Optimized a Temporal Convolutional Network (TCN) to estimate Whole Body Angular Momentum (WBAM) from wearable sensors
PythonMATLABMachine LearningWearable RoboticsWearable SensorsPyTorch